Saturday, June 5, 2010

How to draw the animated style

Animated heroes (in blue) are less rugged and grungy than those in comic books (in black}. They don't look as though they've been through a war. Although heroines are attractive, they aren't as overtly sexy, because the average animation viewer is younger than the average comic book reader - and the characters must be age-appropriate. Still, animated shows make up for this with clever line-work and imagery. Just look at the impressive design-work in the Batman Beyond series. 


Industries operate in a cyclical way; when some doors shut others open. Animation provides good opportunities for comic book artists to use their talents and make professional contacts. Plus, animation isn't relegated to television anymore. It includes all sorts of computer and internet applications. It's also a good strategic career move to have several sources of income. Sometimes, the producers of an animated show or webcast will be in a scheduling panic and will pay handsomely to get character designs done quickly. This is because they can't begin production until the characters are locked in place. Often, they'll look to comic book artists to create these designs, hiring animators later on to do the actual animating. These gigs are often short-term but pay quite well.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Male vs. Female eyes

The male eye is narrower and more rectangular, whereas the female eye is more tear shaped. Draw the male upper eyelid with a heavy line but the lower eyelid with a thin one. Both eyelids on the female eye are drawn with heavy lines. It's sometimes thought - erroneously - that thick eyebrows are only for men. But fuller eyebrows are great for drawing attractive women, too. Some famous models, such as Cindy Crawford and Brooke Shields, have fuller eyebrows, which draw attention to the eyes and can underscore a sultry look. Pencil - thin eyebrows have little impact.

Whether you're drawing men's eyes or women's eyes, the top eyelid should touch or cover part of the iris. Don't leave any white space between the upper eyelid and the iris - unless it's for a specific expression, such as shock or surprise.

Women's eyelashes are grouped together in a thick line, if you draw each individual lash, the result will look spidery.

P.S. The material is taken from the book "Christopher Hart - Drawing Cutting Edge Anatomy."

Monday, May 31, 2010

How to draw eyes

When focusing on the details of the human body, the first order of business is the most important feature of the face: the eyes. Eyes can make a character look beautiful, seductive, evil, insane, charismatic, or determined. Well-drawn eyes give characters that extra sparkle that makes them memorable.
Remember that the eye is a three-dimensional sphere inside the head. The eyelid is tugged over it. It's this stretching of the eyelid that creates the almond-shaped look of the eye. The upper eyelid slants down severely near the tear duct. Both upper and lower eyelids have thickness, so each is drawn as a double line, or with one thick black line to indicate lashes. The lashes become thicker toward the outer edge of the eye.
The eyebrow is drawn on an arch that dips at both ends. Try practicing the eyes on this page. The various angles and expressions will give you a greater understanding of the form.

P.S. The material is taken from the book "Christopher Hart - Drawing Cutting Edge Anatomy."

Saturday, May 29, 2010

How to draw muscles in profile

Muscles that looked slender from the front, such as the vastus externus (outer thigh muscle), are often revealed to actually be quite massive when viewed from the side. The external obliques are prominent at this angle. And the entire deltoid (shoulder)muscle group-which is really comprised of three heads (front, middle, and back)—is overpowering on the male figure in this view. Note, too, how the collarbone juts out slightly at the bottom of the neck on both the male and female figure.

P.S. The material is taken from the book "Christopher Hart - Drawing Cutting Edge Anatomy."

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Female hands...

Female front...

Women have a higher percentage of body fat than men (just don't tell them that). On comic book figures, you indicate this body fat by creating fuller curves without high definition. That's not to say that the comic book woman is soft, but her muscles are long and lean—and don't "bunch" like the muscles on a comic book man. You don't want her looking like a female professional bodybuilder. Think more in terms of her being a toned athlete with looks that could kill.

P.S. The material is taken from the book "Christopher Hart - Drawing Cutting Edge Anatomy."

Female back...

When comparing female anatomy to male anatomy, the first thing you'll notice is that her lats don't give her that wide-back look. Also, her traps aren't an accentuated muscle group because she needs a long, supple neck to retain her femininity. Never draw her external obliques as separate muscles, as they appear on a man; there's no "bump out" of the obliques. And, she has wide hips and full, muscular thighs. Also, square-not drooping-shoulders are a feminine look.

P.S. The material is taken from the book "Christopher Hart - Drawing Cutting Edge Anatomy."